Welcome to Ethnos Kingdom Unity
Delighted you found your way here. This is not your usual website. Racial unity and healing (racial reconciliation) is a personal journey. Something has brought you here. And we want you to always feel welcome and come back. Perhaps you have a curiosity about racial unity and healing and want to learn more. It is a journey, not a sprint but a marathon. It is not only a discovery about a new world but self-discovery.
My Story, My Why
Hi, my name is Bob Fredericks. I'm a retired business owner in Southern California, where I have raised my family and been an elder in my local church for decades. My own journey towards racial unity began upon the death of George Floyd. What could one person do in the midst of such tumult and discord? I felt led to call African Americans to share my sorrow and grief, identifying with them. I shared with a group of friends about my idea; one exclaimed, “And they are rioting and looting.” I shared “We, white folk, don’t understand the African American experience–a lifetime of indignities and micro and overt aggression.” The next morning I began my calls.
The Invitation: Your Why
It is my hope that by working together we can make a contribution to greater empathy, compassion, and mercy leading to changed neighborhoods, cities, and ultimately a changed nation. There’s a Latin phrase on the United States seal “Y plubirus unum," out of many one. It reminds me of the vision of God’s Kingdom as described in Revelation 7:9: “After this, I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”
Come let us, therefore, be reconcilers.
Where to Begin?
Resources to Start Journey
This website has been created to help you step into the space of racial unity and healing. In the last three years, I’ve read dozens of books and searched for resources. As you start your journey here are some recommendations on books, media, and ministries to help as you begin your journey.